Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

If you have questions about the South Hills Band Boosters, please take a moment to review this page, as it answers the questions that we are most frequently asked.

If your student is part of the South Hills High School Band and Color Guard Music Program, you are ! All current parents and family members are strongly encouraged to become actively involved! We need assistance on a continued basis to keep the program as successful as it has been. Everyone is welcome to work together to support and improve the instrumental music program for our students. Attend the monthly meetings and get involved in the decision making.

We provide support in the form of volunteer time and money. Both of these aspects are extremely important! Without volunteers, we cannot raise the necessary funds to support the South Hill High School Music Program or provide physical assistance in the form of uniform fittings, truck driving, feeding the band, etc.

No, there are no financial dues, but the Band Boosters depend your support.

If you have a child in the band program, you’re already a member. Parents and guardians are asked to support the organization by volunteering whenever possible. In addition to helping to enrich your child’s experience, volunteering is a great way to meet other band parents. Many close friendships have started while serving in the concession stand, chaperoning, working in the pit crew, etc. Planning meetings are held approximately once a month during the school year. Just show up and see what’s it’s all about!