If this is your first year as a new band parent, you may have many questions concerning expenses, time required, personal involvement and many other areas concerning a Band Parent/Band Booster Organization. This collection of frequently asked questions may help you understand what booster organizations and band directors would like for you to know as you get involved in this activity.


Why Should I Do This?
The primary reason for the booster organization is to support your children. The music, showmanship, spectacle and pageantry of the marching band experience are also reasons that you may participate as a band booster. The friendships you will make and the enjoyment of participating in this activity are other benefits you will realize. But first and foremost, this is for your child and his/her classmates.


What Can I Do?
There are hundreds of things that you can do to be active as a booster. One of most important things you can do is to attend booster meetings. These meetings are where you should ask questions and voice your concerns and ideas about the organization’s activities. This is where the decisions are made, and you should be part of that. Additional ways to help out are to volunteer to chaperone, participate in fund raisers, help out with band camp, or work on the “Pit Crew”.


I Am New, Do They Really Need Me?
Regardless of your occupation or area of experience there are many services you would be able to provide to a band program. The following is an incomplete list of occupations or professions that would be great assets to a band program: Accountants, Nurses, EMTs, Paramedics, Doctors, Welders, Equipment Operators, Electricians, Sound Technicians, Website Designers, Carpenters,Truck Drivers, Cooks, Metal Workers, Machinists.

Another important thing to do as a new band parent is get involved right away; do not wait for someone to ask you to help. Many times a small nucleus of members do the majority of the work. There may be several reasons for this, but many times it is because they fear rejection from other parents, do not know who is willing to help, or are too busy getting things done to recruit new members. New band parents are like new band students because they are “not new by the end of the season”. First year marchers are expected to learn their music and march their drill just like the seniors. First year band parents should do the same. Do not wait a year or two to get involved. The time will go by much too quickly.

If you are an experienced member of the boosters, you should try to make other members feel welcome and needed. You may have to go outside your comfort level and introduce yourself to new members and make them feel like part of the team.


Why Are They Always Doing Fund Raisers?
Funds received from the School District does not cover all of the necessary expenditures needed to successfully facilitate our growing Music Program. It is vital that all students participate in the fundraising activities. Funds raised are used for a variety of areas to keep our programs running, such as: competition entry fees; and instructors for auxiliary and drum line units. There are also expenses for equipment, instruments, promoting events, and other general operating expenses. Fundraising also helps reduce the cost of participating in band.


Whether you have a lot of time or just a little, we can use your help !



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