Parents’ Guides to Student Success
As a parent we want our students to thrive and commit 100% to what they do. Our job is to support them in every way possible. Whether you are a new or returning Band Parent, this page will help you … Continued
Why Music ? Why Band ?
By: Dr. Tim Lautzenheiser Below is a chapter written for the Teaching Music Through Performance in Band series by Tim Lautzenheiser, published by GIA Publications. While it is directed (specifically) to the band idiom, the essence of the message … Continued
Why Your Teen Should Join Marching Band
By: Mir Kamin I never had any illusions that my kids were going to be “cool” or “popular;” I’ve met their parents, and… yeah, the deck was stacked against them from the beginning. Plus I’m a firm believer in … Continued
A Parent’s Guide to Music Practicing
By: Anthony Mazzocchi This is a guest post by John Skelton. He is the author of “Best Practicing: A Parent’s Guide to Beginning Strings”and the soon to be released “Take Note Method” for beginning strings. He has over fifteen years of experience … Continued
An Important Truth: Musical Talent is not Born – It is Learned
By: Anthony Mazzocchi This is a guest post by Dr. Anita Collins. Anita is an award-winning Australian educator, academic and researcher in the area of music education, particularly in the impact of music education on cognitive development. Anita is a … Continued
Why Students Really Quit Their Musical Instrument (and How Parents Can Prevent It)
By: Anthony Mazzocchi Every year almost 100% of public school students begin an instrument through their school’s music program (if a program exists). One or two years later, more than 50% of students quit; unable to enjoy all that … Continued
Why Join a Music Booster Group? The Surprising Benefits
By: Kathleen Heuer Congratulations ! Your child has decided to continue on as a music student. The program will be taking your child to the next level, and providing incredible opportunities. But with those opportunities come more responsibilities; not … Continued
Why Music Education is Good for Our Children
By: Laurel Trainor Laurel Trainor discusses ways in which the study of music can benefit a child’s brain, even at a very early age. A great deal of your research focuses on music and its impact on a child’s … Continued
The Benefits of Music Education
By: Laura Lewis Brown Whether your child is the next Beyonce or more likely to sing her solos in the shower, she is bound to benefit from some form of music education. Research shows that learning the do-re-mis can … Continued
20 Important Benefits of Music In Our Schools
This article originally appeared on the Bachelors Degree website. Nearly everyone enjoys music, whether by listening to it, singing, or playing an instrument. But despite this almost universal interest, many schools are having to do away with their music education … Continued